The MortgageHelp – How do We Do it?

About Us

Our Story

Why do we do it?

At ThemortgageHelp, our team set out on the journey of creating this website with a clear vision rooted in fairness, accessibility and one goal – connecting the public with the best mortgage advisor for them. 

We saw many advisers charge substantial fees for their services, making financial advice a privilege rather than a right. We didn’t agree with this, so we took action.

By providing free services, we strive to empower individuals on their financial journeys, ensuring that expert guidance is available. 

At ThemortgageHelp, we believe in breaking down barriers and creating a community where financial advice is accessible to everyone.

What are our priorities?

1. Free Connection

We know how crucial it is to make smart financial decisions, especially for significant life investments. That’s why we’re here to connect you with the best mortgage advisor available to you.

2. Seamless 3-Step Enquiry Process

We appreciate your time, and simplicity is central to our service. With ThemortgageHelp, you can request mortgage advice in three simple steps, taking less than 60 seconds. 

3. Expert Guidance

Our team of mortgage advisors includes experienced professionals ready to offer personalized advice based on your unique situation. Whether you’re a first-time homebuyer or an experienced property investor, we have the right expert for you.

4. Transparency Matters

We believe in transparency and honesty. No hidden fees, no surprises. 

5. Your Path to Success

Your journey to homeownership or property investment success starts here. 

ThemortgageHelp is not just a connection platform; it’s your partner in achieving your financial goals.

How does it work?
Step One - Visit our website:

First, Navigate to our user-friendly website from the comfort of your home or on the go

Select one of the three options – New Mortgage, Remortgage or if you need something specific, Other.

Step Two - Complete a quick form:

Secondly, Fill in a brief and secure form to help us understand your needs and preferences. it should only take you a minute.

Step Three - Connect with an advisor:

Finally, Sit back and let us do the work. We’ll match you with a suitable mortgage adviser who will reach out to you at your convenience.

 Ready to take the next step toward financial security? Explore The MortgageHelp today and experience the difference of a service that puts your needs first. Your dream home or investment property is just a few clicks away.

We understand mortgages.